36th Preetz Paper Theater Meeting
From the 8th of September till the 10th of September 16 paper theatres from 6 nations visited Preetz!

This year papertheater meeting was the biggest one so far (19 theaters have been invited). We were happy to welcome so many old friends and even new theaters. All stages perfomed their plays for the first time in Germany. On this site you´ll get continuisly new informations regarding the theaters, the plays and the whole program around. The next meeting will take part from 13th until 15th september 2024.
Here come the stages:
Papier & Theater
Marie am Meer – Von den Bergen an die wilde Küste - all shows sold out

To forget the death of her lover, Marie has moved far away from her mountain home to a distant coast. There she meets the young fisherman Colin - and discovers a dark family secret.
Performed by: Marlis & Rainer Sennewald (Sachsen - Anhalt)
45 minutes; german; live with live music (Tin Whistle); age 8+
“Das kleine Papiertheater”
Die chinesische Nachtigall (after a fairytale from H.C.Andersen)

In the magnificent park of the Emperor of China lives a little nightingale of whose existence the Emperor knows nothing. Yet she sings beautifully and moves everyone to tears. The emperor's servants invite her to an audition in the palace. The emperor is thrilled and the little nightingale receives all the honours. One day the Emperor of Japan gives the Emperor of China an artificial nightingale. The real nightingale is dismissed.
Performed by: Astrid Lorig & Charlotte Ebert (Saarland)
40 minutes; german; age: 7+
Haases Papiertheater
Sieben Brücken

"Seven Bridges" - the humorous history of bridge building from the Stone Age to the present.
Did you know that Neanderthals were already building bridges and that the ancient Romans invented the traffic jam? Would you have thought that Tarzan was one of the pioneers of modern bridge building?
You will learn everything you need to know about bridges in a humorous way.
Performed by: Sieglinde & Martin Haase (NRW)
~35minutes; german: age: 8+ ;
Papirteatret Meklenborg
The Simple minded Murderer

“The simpleminded murderer” is the story of an honest and naive young man, living on a big estate in the 1930th Sweden. He is used as a cheap working force, by a greedy and malicious farm owner. By the help and support of higher forces, the young man dedicate himself to a plan, to fulfill justice.
Performed by: Søren Mortensen & Marie Thodberg (DK)
30 minutes; english; recorded; age: 14+
Microscope Toy Theatre
Little Tree Giant

A little figure of a traveler moves along the road. He drops seeds and walks away. The plant grows up. In the nearby house a new life is born. A little boy is playing around the tree that grew from that seeds. As the child grows up, the world around him seems smaller, and the dream is closer. At the call of his heart he goes on a long journey.
Performed by: Yulya Dukhovny (USA)
45 minutes; no language ; recorded soundtrack; age: 8+
Special: This is a combination of a show (15 minutes) and a workshop of making a paper stage and scenary (30 minutes)!
Papiertheater Dramonie
Die Klugen Leute
after the Brothers Grimm (by Michael Dreesen)
A farmer, who runs his farm with his wife and a farmhand, thinks everyone around him is dumber than he is and thus commands his fellow men.
Of course, in the end it turns out that he is also completely wrong in his self-assessment and that he is not a bit smarter than everyone around him.
Performed by: Alexander Spemann; Ursula Hering; Michael Dreesen (Hessen)
~40 minutes; german; live; age: 5+
Papiertheater AndersARTig
The (c)old Case - all shows sold out

"Cold case" is the technical term for old, unsolved criminal cases. But there are also hot leads for cold cases.
Two famous criminologists happen to be spending their holidays at the same time in a small hotel near Windsor: Heracles Pierrot and Miss Mabel. We are not allowed to reveal the real names for various reasons.
An article in the "London Times" puts the two investigators on the trail of a case. It holds a myriad of ever new, hardly comprehensible mysteries. Mysterious smells, candied skeletons, ominous traces and sinister buildings bring more questions than answers. It almost seems like witchcraft.
For the first time, the two great minds come up against limits. But then the king of detectives, Sherlock Holmes, joins in. Together they go in search of clues. In the process, mysterious book covers and locked doors open. This gives them insights into a world that could be described as fabulous or fairytale-like.
Only this much can be revealed:
With their assistants, the heroes solve the case. But the way there is "rocky", the solution literally "grim" and the end "fantastic".
Performed by: Manfred Kronenberg, Dieter Lohmann & Armin Düpmeier (music) (NRW)
45minutes;german; live; age: 13+
Massimos Papiertheater
Der Herrgott und die Kuh

Because of the fair, a cow involuntarily remains in the meadow and is neither brought into the stable nor milked or fed. The farmer has simply forgotten in his drunken stupor. In her distress, she asks the neighbourly wood god from the wayside cross for help. Oh wonder, the usually so dumb man answers, but expresses reservations, because what should people think and talk about when the Lord God of the Cross drives a cow home. In the end, he is persuaded and it turns out that his willingness to help is not without consequences. No, I didn't write the loose story, Felix Timmermans did. I have only made a play out of it.
Performed by: Massimo & Peter Schauer-Lüke
~30 minutes; german: live; age: 8+
Robert Poulter´s New Model Theatre
Die Magische Beeinflussung des Menschengeschlechts

Die Magische Beeinflussung des Menschengeschlechts is the first show I have made in Germany when at the Paper Theatre Workshop at Burg Beskow in Eastern Germany. Heavily influenced by my surroundings, it is a tale crossing the centuries of a mad magician come scientist trying to create new life from what surrounds him. It is one of the rare shows whre I do live dialogue, and for the first time in German and the accoimpanying soundtrack cannot only be heard, but seen being made, on a small screen next to the theatre! In addition there will be a special second show right after the play also about robots and automatons.
Performed by: Robert Poulter (UK)
12+15 minutes; german: live; age: 11+
Hellriegels Junior

We tell a story from the time of the Ice Age hunters and the great herds. Young Kuro unwittingly violates the tribal laws and attacks his totem animal. Badly injured, he is left alone in the wilderness. Will he manage to make up for his mistake?
Performed by: Willem, Jule & Frede Klemmer & Gerlinde Holland (Schleswig-Holstein)
45 minutes; german; live; age: 7+

Mills, which gave rhytme to the daily life of the countryside, have almost disappeared. Engines have replaced wings turning in the wind and the paddles filled with water. Places and their servants, millers, will come back to life and speak to you through a few incursions into literature suchs as the inevitable Don Quixote de la Mancha.
Performed by: Alain Lecucq (Frankreich)
40 minutes; englisch, live; 10+
Viviana Amaya Escena
Twelve Ways to Sharpen your Fangs

Elisandro is a normal boy, although he doesn't fit in with his family or at school. His parents are very worried because he doesn't like to drink blood, doesn't know how to fly and is easily scared; in short, he is not a good vampire. After being expelled from school, he is forced to take special classes to learn how to be an exemplary vampire.
This is how he begins a delirious and fun intergalactic journey where he must undergo different tests while dealing with his own problems: his fangs only appear in full moonlight and his dog Spaghetti has mysteriously disappeared.
Performed by: Viviana Amaya (Mexiko)
45 minutes; english; recorded; 8+
Papiertheater Luna
Der Gefährte der Adler

Based on the story "A Friend of the Eagle" by Erich Jooß, with motifs from a Tsimschian legend.
The young Indian is so very different from his companions. Instead of going hunting with them, he prefers to keep to himself because he wants to be with his friends the ospreys. They come to him at his whistle, let him stroke their feathers and he even talks to them. He forgets everything else. His people first mock him and then despise him. When his people travel down the river in search of new and better hunting grounds, there is no more room for him in the boats...
Performed by: Anja D. Schimert & Delila M. Spinas (Schleswig-Holstein)
~25 minutes; german; live; age: 4+
Sarah's Paper Theatre
Jack and the Beanstalk

I will be performing ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’, an English Toy Theatre play made, hand coloured and designed by my father Peter Peasgood.
The script was adapted from an original Webb’s 1820 Pantomime by Barry Clarke (at the time of Pollocks Ltd, Scala St)
True to the traditional English toy theatre style with classical proscenium, simple lighting, hand coloured Webb’s scenery and glittered characters with unique trick figures.
A lively, happy tale of how Jack rescues the fairies from the giant’s castle by climbing a beanstalk grown from magic beans.
Performed by: Sarah Peasgood & Pete Lawrence (UK)
20minutes; english; live; all ages (particularly suitable for children)
ThéÂtre Mont d’Hiver
Der Zauber des Prinzen Jussif - Eine Kriminalkomödie

A snowed-in hotel in Scotland is the scene of a terrible crime! .... Don't worry, it won't be that bad, but something very valuable mysteriously goes missing from the hotel. It comes from the tomb of the Egyptian prince Jussif. You could also say it was stolen. Inspector Watson sets off among the guests and servants in search of the culprit - with popular criminalistic support.
Performed by: Birthe & Sascha Thiel (Schleswig-Holstein)
30 minutes; german; live; age: 10+
Corvus Cornix
Annabel Lee (after E.A.Poe)

Annabel Lee tells the tragic love story of a young couple who are not accepted by society and break up as a result.
Performed by: Jule Klemmer (Schleswig-Holstein)
~10 minutes; english; live; age: 12+
This play is not only a premiere, but a self-designed first work!
Der alte Mann und das Meer (after Ernest Hemingway) - all shows sold out

Santiago, the old fisherman, has not caught anything for a long time. Off the coast of Havana, he sails with the wind, the waves and his memories. He encounters a diverse wildlife: dolphins, a sea eagle, a warbler, lions and elephants, sharks ...And a marlin. The biggest marlin he has ever caught.
This story is about man's tenacity in the face of a beast stronger than himself and trying to get to safe harbour. Kill or die, that is the law.
The paper play will take you to the sea! There the spray is dry!
Performed by: Eric Poirier (France)
40 minutes; german; live; everybody is welcome - except sharks.
Invisius - unfortunatly cancelled
Hänsel und Gretel

Hansel and Gretel after the Brothers Grimm - in a new production!
performed by: Rüdiger Koch & Alexander Spemann (live music) (Berlin)
~ 35minutes; german, live, age: 4+
KOLOSSEUM CARTAE - unfortunatly cancelled
Die grüne Froschpapiertüte

It is a story that has a very unexpected ending.
Come and see what the work of a baker is like. But I won't tell you why there is a green frog paper bag.
Only the visitors who see my paper theatre play will find out.
Performed by: Christin Karbaum (Schleswig-Holstein)
30 minutes; german; for adults
Federal Cross of Merit for Dirk Reimers

On 15 June, Dirk Reimers was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. We are delighted with Dirk and Barbara for this recognition of decades of dedication to the art of paper theatre. Congratulations! Thank you for still being by our side and for still supporting the 36th Preetz Paper Theatre Meeting with your passion!
The world of paper theater
Parallel to the meeting, the paper theater Pollidor has opened its private collection in the Preetz Museum of Local History. Over 100 theaters, paper models and model sheets are to be discovered and tried out.
Dirk and Barbara Reimers will take you into the magical world of paper and report from almost 40 years of paper theater experience.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday between 2:00 and 5:00 p.m., free admission, donations for the preservation of the collection are welcome.