35th Preetz Paper Theater Festival from 09.-11.September 2022
Next year the 36th Preetz Paper Theatre Meeting will take place from 8-10.23. We are accepting applications until the end of February. The play must be a premiere in Germany.
"The corsican brothers"
Paperplays, England

Adapted from a novel by Alexandre Dumas.
The play is about twins, Fabian and Louis, they posess strange telepathic ability...in the first scene Fabian realises that Louis has been fatally wounded. Louis`ghost appears to Fabian. The rest of the play deals with the circumstances surrounding Louis`murder and Fabians revenge!
Duration 30 minutes, english, live, from 8 years
Peter is alone at home, his parents are both going out.
Papier & Theater

Peter, soon to be nine years old, is supposed to stay alone in the evening for the first time; his parents want to go to the cinema. He doesn't like that at all, until Karl, the chaperone crocodile, suddenly appears and takes Peter on a night-time adventure, which the parents don't find out about at all ... not from this one and not from others either.
Duration: 35 minutes, live, german, from 6 years old
Journey to the centre of the earth
Hellriegels Junior

Professor Liedenbrock and his nephew Axel find a mysterious manuscript with a coded message on how to travel to the centre of the earth. They embark on a journey deep into the earth and experience unforeseeable adventures.
Duration: 40 minutes, live, German, ages 7 and up
PING PONG- The third and final part of the "Yummy Mummy" trilogy
Robert Poulter´s New Model Theatre

PING PONG is the third and final show in the series consisting of THE MUMMY`S PURSE THE MUMMY`S cheap- day return. All the old favourites are back, including of course the YummyMummy, the ancient pharaohs from the British Museum, Anubis, the god of the dead, and Ipet, the motherly hippo goddess. Made Loos Lee, the Chinese mistress of crime, is also there, with her terracotta army and her lion dog Ping Pong, the title of the show, which she seems to turn into a world-destroying monster. The ancient pharaohs are horrified at the beginning when they learn that they are to be sent on loan to a museum in Australia.
Duration 35 minutes, englisch, Soundtrack, from 6 years
The wise inhabitants of Schlauballin -a revue-
Papiertheater an der Oppermann

Where do we come from, where are we going? How clever can stupidity be? And: Why are men so bad...? The big questions of life on a small stage!
Duration 45 minutes, german, live, from 10 years old
"Offt begehrte Reysebeschreibung des Adam Olearius" oder "Wie 1640 ein Kameel durch Schleswig lief"
Birke & Sitas Papiertheater

Plague and the 30 Years War are raging in Europe as a German trade delegation sets off from Schleswig to Isphahan. Duke Friedrich III of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf wants to establish trade relations with the Shah of Persia. An unbelievable undertaking in which everything must be reckoned with: storms, raids, unknown diseases, foreign customs and traditions - plus a problematic leadership duo at the head of the delegation, whose behaviour was to put the fellow travellers in mortal danger not only once... Would the ambitious plan succeed? Would all members of the company return alive?
Thanks to the German scholar Adam Olearius, who accompanied the journey as secretary, a detailed travel report is available, with illustrations of the original locations, which served as a model for this new paper theatre play by Birke Küszter and Theresita Colloredo.
Duration 45 minutes, german, live and recorded, age 8 and up
Joke in one act: "The Proposal of Marriage" freely adapted from Anton Chekhov
Papiertheater im Fachwerkhaus formerly Don Giovanni, Käthchen und Co

Ivan Lomov visits his neighbour, the landowner Stepan Chubukov, to propose marriage to his daughter Natasha Stephanova. The future father-in-law is delighted, but when the proposal is being drawn up, a quarrel unexpectedly breaks out over trifles. The happy ending is inevitable! A deep insight into the Russian soul.
Duration 35 minutes, german, live, for adults
The Magical Paper Theatre, England

Being a cultural icon and one of the most re-imagined characters in children´s literature, Pinocchio is coming alive one more time with paper characters in The Magical Paper Theatre. Follow the adventures of Pinocchioo, the mischievous puppet and teller of tall-tales, as he fellowship dreams to become a real boy. Then join a "backstage" tour to meet the puppets and see how the mechanism of the theatre work.
Duration: 45 minutes, english, soundtrack, from 4 years up
Eiffel Tower for sale
ThéÂtre Mont d'Hiver

They say there was a time when not everyone in Paris was happy about the Eiffel Tower. What sounds almost unimaginable today is true. In the years after the 1889 World's Fair, Paris was divided over the rusting and conspicuous steel colossus of Gustave Eiffel. Quite a few thought: away with it! In this mood, a certain Count Victor Lustig came up with a brilliant idea in 1925: why not simply sell the Eiffel Tower? The fact that there was no legitimation for this from anyone at any time did not bother the con man Victor Lustig in the slightest. The almost historically accurate story about the coup of the century by Count Victor Lustig, who sold the Eiffel Tower - free and almost entirely without trickery according to Birthe and Sascha Thiel.
Duration: 35 minutes,german, live, from 10 years onwards
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Little Snow White)
Sarah´s Paper Theatre England

Sarah's respectful adaptation of the Brothers Grimm version of this famous fairytale. Dramatic music, contemporary figures and scenery set against colourfully lit backdrops support live narration to bring this dark story (with a happy ending) to the small stage.
Duration 25 minutes, english, live and recorded, ages 5 and up
"La Petite balade du Grand Macabre" d'après Michel de Ghelderode
Theatre de table, Frankreich

"Welcome to Breughellande, the famous land of milk and honey, a paradise for drinkers, dancers and other pleasures of life. Death, Necrozotar himself, comes to kill everyone, young and old lovers, men and women. The magician Astradamors had foretold it. Prince Micron's government has its hands full fighting this scourge. Will the country survive the arrival of this merciless death?"
Duration 30 minutes, french and german, live, ages 10 and up
Mother, Tell me more
Papirteatret Meklenborg, Denmark

The performance "Mother, Tell me more" was redesigned and slightly changed for a revival.
The love story of Emily and Syd, staged as a theatre concert. Based on the songs of Syd Barrett - the first guitarist of Pink Floyd. In his short career he managed to create a surreal singing universe full of longing and poetry.
Duration 30 minutes, english, sound recording, from 10 years old
A Pataki of Creation
Teatro del Gato, Mexiko

Young Isabel wonders where the Universe is at, where everytihng she can sees come from, so she takes a look into the creation stories of Yoruba Tradition and Cuban Santeria. That´s how she discovers how the Orushas created the world, coming down from the heavens using a golden chain, and how they created the earth, the rivers, the rainforest and humankind with its flaws and its virtues.The Orishas also show themselves very humanlike, receiving their attributes and benefits, that they used to try to heal their Father and that will help them maintain order in the heavens, the earth and the sees.
Duration 35 Minuten, english, spanish, live, from 7 years
Planting time
Kolosseum Cartae

The couple, Elfriede and Waldemar are sitting in the kitchen at the breakfast table. It's the first warm day of spring, the birds are singing and the sun is shining. "Just the right weather to go out into the garden," Elfriede says as she enjoys her coffee. She is already planning, somewhat lost in thought, to make a quick trip to the garden centre. Her flower pots on the terrace are not yet planted. She also wants to bring the pumpkin plants with her. Last year she harvested so many pumpkins, she wants to do it again this year. But then.......everything turned out differently..... dear visitors take a look for yourself !!!
Duration 30 minutes, german, sound recording, for adults
The truth
Papiertheater andersARTig

William Shakespeare, Johann-Wolfgang von Goethe and Friedrich von Schiller meet again and again secretly somewhere in the middle of nowhere as the "Triumvirate of Dead Poets". But this meeting is not just a trivial exchange of experiences. All the poet princes have something to confess, namely "the truth"! And so three artfully interwoven stories develop out of the conversation. "Romeo and Juliet", "Götz von Berlichingen" and William Tell, imaginatively staged in a play on an open stage. A play for language and literature gourmets and those who want to become one - completely different!
Duration: about 55 minutes, German, live, for adults